Consumer Justice
The Alameda County District Attorney’s Office Consumer Justice Bureau (CJB) is comprised of multiple distinct units that receive, investigate, evaluate and where appropriate bring civil or criminal prosecutions to achieve community justice on a wide range of consumer, environmental and community protection matters. The various units within the CJB and their respective duties include:
Receives, evaluates, investigates and where appropriate brings civil or criminal law enforcement prosecutions to protect consumers from individuals or companies undertaking fraudulent, misleading, or other economically harmful conduct directed toward Alameda County and California residents. The sources of matters investigated include statewide and local regulatory agencies (i.e., Department of Weights & Measures, Contractors’ State Licensing Board), other statewide prosecution agencies and the public (via the CJB Consumer Complaint Form).
- These investigations cover the full scope of day-to-day consumer interactions, including, for example:
- Misleading, deceptive or fraudulent consumer products, services or advertising
- Retailers’ systemic price scanning inaccuracies
- Licensed and unlicensed contractor fraud and serious regulatory violations
- Skilled nursing and other caregiver facilities’ regulatory violations
- Industry-wide schemes and practices economically harming their customers and the public (i.e., undervaluation of insurance claims recovery)
- Tobacco law and regulations enforcement
Other False Advertising or Unfair Business Practices harming consumers
Receives, evaluates, investigates and where appropriate brings civil or criminal law enforcement prosecutions to protect the environment and Alameda County and California residents from violations of environmental protection laws and regulations, including for related unlawful or unfair business practices and false advertising. The sources of matters investigated include statewide and local regulatory agencies (i.e., local Certified Unified Program Agencies (CUPAs), Department of Toxic Substances Control, Department of Fish & Wildlife, etc.), other statewide law enforcement agencies and the public (via the CJB Consumer Complaint Form),
for example:
- Hazardous Waste Control & Management Violations – i.e., Hazardous Waste and Universal (Electronic) Waste violations, unlicensed/illegal transport and dumping of hazardous materials
Underground Storage Tank (UST) violations (i.e., unlawful or unsafe underground petroleum or chemical tanks; failures to follow strictregulatory requirements to prevent groundwater and soil contamination)
- Water Code Violations (i.e., water pollution, streambed alteration)
- Fish & Game Code Violations (i.e., unlawful hunting/fishing of protected species; unlawful keeping of prohibited species)
- California Proposition 65 notices (per 1986 Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act) – i.e., lead, asbestos and “forever chemicals” violations
- Other False Advertising or Unfair Business Practices (i.e., “Greenwashing” products or services as environmentally friendly or beneficial)
- Receives reports, complaints and referrals, and investigates, evaluates and where appropriate files civil and/or criminal actions for real estate fraud – including mortgage fraud
- Includes Elder Abuse Prosecutors that prosecute cases of abuse and fraud upon elderly victims harmed and defrauded of their real and personal property, often arising from abusive or undue influence contacts and keepings (i.e., family members, caretakers, etc.).
- Comprised of attorneys and forensic auditors to evaluate and prosecute cases.
- Sources of complaints: Real Estate Fraud Complaint Form; Law Enforcement agencies; Department of Social Services; Department of Adult Protective Services; etc.
- Receives complaints and referrals, investigates, evaluates and where appropriate files civil and/or criminal actions for fraud in the following areas:
- Workers’ Compensation Fraud: i.e., fraudulent claims; fraudulent denials of claims; employer fails to properly insure or maintain workers’ compensation insurance coverages;
- Automobile insurance fraud: i.e., fraudulent claims; fraudulent denials of claims; etc.
- Annuity and life insurance fraud: i.e., fraudulent claims; fraudulent denials of claims; etc.
- Health care insurance fraud: i.e., fraudulent claims; fraudulent denials of claims; etc
- Public Assistance & Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) Fraud: Receives referrals from the Department of Social Services for public assistance fraud (i.e., fraudulent applications), investigates, evaluates and where appropriate files civil and/or criminal actions
You should contact CJB directly if you wish to make a complaint involving any of the crimes listed above.
Address: 7677 Oakport Street, Suite 650, Oakland, CA 94621
Phone: (510) 383-8600
Fax: (510) 383-8615