Alameda County District Attorney Charges Juveniles in Skyline High School Shooting

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  • 2 mins read
  • Post last modified:September 15, 2023

Alameda County District Attorney Charges Juveniles in Skyline High School Shooting

Oakland, CA. September 15, 2023 – The Alameda County District Attorney’s Office has charged three minors in connection with a shooting at Skyline High School in Oakland on September 5, 2023.

Minor defendant 1 was charged with assault with a firearm 245 (a)(2) along with gun enhancements, including shooting at an occupied area. The maximum exposure for assault with a firearm is 4 years.

Minor defendant 2 was charged with minor in possession of a firearm within 1000 feet of a school along with gun possession charges, including carrying a loaded weapon in public. The maximum exposure on felony gun possession is 3 years.

Minor defendant 3 has not been charged with any shooting at Skyline High School but the investigation is ongoing. He was charged for being a minor in possession of a firearm, after a gun was discovered at his home the day after the incident. The maximum exposure is three years.

All three minor defendants have made their first appearances in court and remain in custody.

“Zero tolerance for gun violence is not just our policy; it’s a promise to protect our schools and our communities,” stated Alameda County District Attorney Pamela Price. “We are fortunate that no one was killed or injured in this incident, but we are sending the message that if you are in illegal possession of a gun and attempt to harm others, you will be held accountable.” Click to watch official video statement

The next step involves the Alameda County Probation Department, which will conduct thorough assessments of the minors and make recommendations to the assigned judge from Alameda County Superior Court. The DA’s office will also make recommendations before the judge rules on consequences. State law mandates juvenile justice focus on rehabilitation, with consequences focused on the support the individual needs to prevent them from re-offending.


## Contact: Public Information Officer Patti Lee, // 628-249-1288 
